1 on 1 Coaching

Are you feeling unfulfilled in your current role?
Have you applied to multiple jobs without success?
Are you wondering if you are on the right career path?
Do you want to switch industries altogether?
Are you planning to relocate?

If you said yes to any of these questions, book a one-on-one coaching session today. Prior to the session, we'll develop a plan and format for the 1-hour session.

The coaching session will be carried out by an HR consultant with more than 20 years of experience in recruitment and holding the Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL) designation from the Human Resources Professional Association of Canada. The experience includes working, living and recruiting in Canada, the USA, the Middle East, and South America.

Benefits of a coaching session can include:
  • Accountability to keep the job seeker on track and moving toward their next role
  • Identifying the best aspects of your professional experience and marketing it in the most attractive way possible to potential employers
  • Getting an outside perspective from a professional can be extremely helpful
  • Planning your exit from an organization before you can’t stand going into the office can be empowering
  • Having a roadmap and clarity can relieve so much stress
Price: $125.00 CAD